芦沢 真五
1995年フルブライト奨学生としてハーバード大学教育大学院に留学。慶應義塾大学湘南藤沢キャンパス、大阪大学、慶應義塾ニューヨーク学院、明治大学国際連携機構などを経て2013年より現職。2016年よりUMAP(University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific:アジア太平洋大学交流機構)国際事務局事務次長を担当している。現在、科研費基盤研究(B)「外国学歴・資格認証における国際同等性の比較研究」(2016~2018年)の研究代表者として、海外で得られた学位や資格を認証するためのシステム(FCE:Foreign Credential Evaluation)の国際比較研究を推進している。UNESCO「高等教育における学修・ディプロマ・学位の認定に関する世界条約作成に向けた専門家会合」においても日本から選抜された専門委員(2015年~)。また、「高等教育の資格の承認に関するアジア太平洋地域規約(東京規約)」の運用に関し文部科学省アドバイザーとして、東京規約ユネスコ・アジア太平洋地域会議に参画している(2018年10月~)。
This workshop introduces the concepts of Creative Commons, Public Domain and Copyright for Educators of all levels. The easy availability and ease of downloading online multimedia information and materials is a boon for reception and consumption of information as it opens up many avenues for academic research and presentations that were not available in the pre internet period. However the ethics regarding what people can and cannot do with the materials after they access them is not quite so straight-forward. This presentation explores the concepts of the six different creative commons licenses and how they can be combined, as well as the public domain licenses. So attendees will be able to learn how to properly use multimedia concepts and materials in an easy to understand way. After the theoretical aspects are covered the session will become a more hands on workshop showing attendees how to find, use and reference different types of multimedia materials with different licenses properly in their academic work. Therefore attendees should bring a laptop as this will be very hands on.
講師略歴 :
Rab Paterson is the Principal Instructor for Toyo University's Center for Global Education BEST (Business English Skills and Training) program. He's the current Director of the Asia Association for Global Studies, Fellow of The British Royal Asiatic Society, Fellow of The Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, and member of the Japan Association for Language Teaching's Technical Advisory Committee. Rab has a BA (Hons.) in Pacific Asian History and an MA in Pacific Asian Studies from London University's SOAS, a Certificate of Educational Technology and Information Literacy and an MS in Multidisciplinary Studies from SUNY (Buffalo) and is a doctoral candidate at University College London's Institute of Education on the International Education Doctorate program, conducting research on digital literacies and academic writing. Rab is an Apple Distinguished Educator, a Google Certified Innovator/Trainer/ Google Educator Group Leader, and lives in a semi self-built, eco-friendly, sustainable lifestyle log- house of his own design in the foothills of the Japan Alps with his family, their two dogs and their goat!
酒井 志延
『世界の英語 ハンドブック』(共著)大修館書店,『英語を使って学ぶ英語』(共著)くろしお出版,『ワクワクする小学校英語授業の作り方』(共著)大修館書店
『日本における複言語主義のすすめ』LET九州・沖縄支部紀要,2018“Promoting plurilingualism throughout language classrooms in East Asia Implications from EFL research in Japan” in THE ASIAN EFL CLASSROM Issues, Challenges, Future expectations in Routledge Critical Studies in Asian Education 2019,Routledge.