TOP >> 2006 Monthly Meeting >> 2/13の研究会Last updated on January 9, 2007
■■ 2006-7 JACET Kanto Monthly Meeting ■■

発表題目:Teacher professional development and SLA: Making connections through story

What does teachers’ professional development have to do with SLA? The former seems to focus very much on the teacher and the latter very much on the learner. In this presentation I will suggest important ways in which they connect, and I will outline a narrative approach to making these connections explicit. A narrative inquiry case study will be presented to provide a framework for the discussion. It will show that teachers make sense of their teaching by engaging in telling and analyzing their stories of their experience. At the same time, the case studies will show that they gain an understanding of their students’ learning. Participants will be encouraged to reflect on their own practice in their own contexts and to consider ways in which they might explore these in a narrative way.

Gary Barkhuizen is Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Language Studies and Linguistics at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. He teaches courses such as “Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching”, “ELT Management” and “Learner Language”. He has published widely in these areas in journals such as TESOL Quarterly, System, and International Journal of Bilingualism, and is author (with Rod Ellis) of Analysing Learner Language (2005, Oxford University Press).

Rod Ellis との共著によるAnalysing Learner Language (Oxford University Press)では、15の章を使って、学習者が発する言語を分析するさまざまな方法を紹介しています。この本の特徴は、どのような分析方法をとれば学習者の言語のどのような発達を分析できるか詳細に解説している点にありますが、単に研究方法の紹介だけに止まらず、ひろく第二言語習得研究の知見を盛り込んであるので、それぞれの研究方法のうらにある第二言語習得論を学ぶことができる価値ある一冊です。詳細は以下のサイトでご覧頂けます。 へのリンク